Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Just realised I should say a few words on Firefly

After making my previous statement about Gilmore Girls and an impending movie I thought it would be good to mention Firefly the TV opera and soon to be a major motion picture.

This is by far the best science fiction show I remember having seen. I add that last bit because I have been known to forget a thing or two (sometimes even three). This show has subtle dialogue, divergent cultures based on those of today, and social mores based on the reality of the human ego. It is not clean, it is not big budget, it is not bullet time. It is dirty and cheap, it is imaginative and visceral, it is flexible and realistic. It is a series that is now going to be a movie. They have finished filming and are now editing with the option for two more movies (thank you Briana for your research), and we hope returning to the air if well received. I strongly suggest watching the DVD version of the show if you can it actually has different cuts (the original directors version) of the episodes than was originally aired, there are not many changes, only four but they do change the entire feel of the show. Also you will be able to see it in the order intended with the unaired episodes snuggled in their rightful places. If you have any difficulty understand the dirty and low tech aspects of some planets, just remember Star Trek is a universe that can't happen the way described (not saying that aspects can not come about, just that even in the future frontier worlds won't come with their own cleaning rays), and that greed and economic realities (or excuses) will influence how well people will live. It comes to theatre April 22, 2005 and I will be in line to see it, hope to see you there.


At September 23, 2004 at 3:53 PM, Blogger mainja said...

for some reason i was thinking of lexx, i haven't seen firefly.


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