Thursday, September 30, 2004

OK, one more personal statement

I had promised myself that I would not post anymore personal things on my blog. Personally negative that is. But I have to say that I am going through my things and throwing out bag after bag of stuff that I had allowed to accumulate over the years and I am not impressed with my self. I have forced my self to go through anything at all, whether I think I know what it is or not and damn am I finding stuff that I should have cleared years ago. I have been insane for ten years, I can not believe what I have let go on in my life. Should have done this purge forever ago.

Talk at you all later.


At September 30, 2004 at 7:46 PM, Blogger mainja said...

two things. first, not nessisarily a negative post, in fact, can be very positive since it indicates you're taking a much needed step of letting go of some old stuff and getting ready for new stuff.

second, what the heck, it's your blog, you can post whatever negative stuff you want. that's the way it works. blog is for you. you get to do whatever you want with it. the internet is good that way. *grin*


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