Saturday, October 16, 2004

Damn fun party

I went to Briana's birthday party last night, and it was great. I am hoping that she doesn't have any problems with her landlords cause it got pretty loud, but those plaster walls do an amazing job of keeping sound out. But then the party overspilled into lobby downstairs so that people could smoke and that's when the noise really was noticeable. I don't know what they insulated that building with but out in the hallway you could barely hear that the music was blaring and everyone was raising their voices, hope it was the same in the next suites. I guess we will find out soon.

Anyways, I would have to say the party was a success, lots of old friends showed and everyone seemed to have a good time, including Ray who as always was incredible glowing with good energy, and last night, a ton of booze. That man loves to do the chicken dance. If you don't know ask Briana I am not sure how to describe it. I had a lot of fun talking to people, it was good, it was really awesome to meet some of the people that she had talked about. Thanks folks for a lot of fun, you really rock. Hope to talk to you all again sometime soon. Leave your emails actually, I would love to talk to you all.


At October 17, 2004 at 9:09 PM, Blogger christian said...

I miss all the good parties...

At October 17, 2004 at 10:59 PM, Blogger Briana Tomkinson said...

Well I did invite you, Christian. It was damn fun.

At October 18, 2004 at 7:37 PM, Blogger christian said...

yes, but the pub crawl didn't quite make it down my direction, now did it?

wouldn't have mattered. I miss the parties I attend, too. always unconscious by 9pm, often splattered with my own vomit.

hallowe'en is two weeks away...


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