Thursday, December 30, 2004

So here's some news!

I just got an email from Jon and Carrie, they are engaged and Jon is going to move to Holland!!

For those who don't know them Jon is a very old friend of mine, I am currently staying at his apartment and Carrie was his girlfriend, now fiance, yay, and she had moved to Holland to take a UN job. Jon wasn't sure what he was going to do because it was such a big step to leave his job here and possibly sell his apartment and leave behind family to go live with her in Holland. But it seems that they, he has been in Europe with her for the last month, have found their balance again and they want to get married.

This is so awesome, I cannot even begin to fathom it, I guess I will find out more in the next few days when emails come in and Jon gets home on the 1st. Tell you more later.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

So, a small update

Ok, I just have to share this, I was asked if I would like to go full-time today at CIBC. I was supposed to be switching to part-time at the end of next week at which point I would stay at part-time until I proved my self which would take a few months. It seems I am doing better than I had originally thought, or they are just desperate for people, they have definitely asked 4 of us and possibly all, so I cannot say how momentous this is. But hey it rocks for me and I no longer have to wonder if my cheques will be big enough.

So, enough said just thought I would put it out there for those that were wondering how I have been.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ok, some idea for my birthday please

My birthday is coming up, January 5, I normally like doing something social where I get to talk to people and enjoy company, but this year I am sort of out of ideas.

So I am hoping that people will throw in their two-cents-worth and help me brain storm. I am not good at arranging things and not great at calling so I am going to start early this year. Just to explain to people: I only want people there, and alcohol, of course, presents and fancy stuff like cake are unnecessary, so if your idea includes going for laser tag, coffee, a lounge or something like that then that's great. The best birthday I ever had was at a lounge just sitting around drinking (martinis of all things) with my friends and just talking. Just keep the ideas flowing and I will figure things out from what sounds best. BTW I am writing this on very little sleep so I will be editing it later, I just needed to stop putting it off and get it down in electrons before another day goes by.