Thursday, December 30, 2004

So here's some news!

I just got an email from Jon and Carrie, they are engaged and Jon is going to move to Holland!!

For those who don't know them Jon is a very old friend of mine, I am currently staying at his apartment and Carrie was his girlfriend, now fiance, yay, and she had moved to Holland to take a UN job. Jon wasn't sure what he was going to do because it was such a big step to leave his job here and possibly sell his apartment and leave behind family to go live with her in Holland. But it seems that they, he has been in Europe with her for the last month, have found their balance again and they want to get married.

This is so awesome, I cannot even begin to fathom it, I guess I will find out more in the next few days when emails come in and Jon gets home on the 1st. Tell you more later.


At December 31, 2004 at 11:57 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

True, and thanks for the update on jason. I had not really considered how many of our friends were getting married.

At January 2, 2005 at 9:17 PM, Blogger christian said...

not to be a downer, but it tends to go in cycles...

just six months ago I had a conversation about how so many people I knew were splitting up.

and sadly, we're getting to the age where those breakups are actually divorces...

At January 3, 2005 at 3:38 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

Good point, hadn't thought about it that way but, hey life still must go on.


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