Thursday, September 30, 2004

OK, one more personal statement

I had promised myself that I would not post anymore personal things on my blog. Personally negative that is. But I have to say that I am going through my things and throwing out bag after bag of stuff that I had allowed to accumulate over the years and I am not impressed with my self. I have forced my self to go through anything at all, whether I think I know what it is or not and damn am I finding stuff that I should have cleared years ago. I have been insane for ten years, I can not believe what I have let go on in my life. Should have done this purge forever ago.

Talk at you all later.

Monday, September 27, 2004

World on Fire

K, I know that in some ways I am a luddite, I really don't like having Cable TV, DVD player and TV I like having but cable is not on my happy list. Just wastes too much time watching what other people want me to buy, when I can happily download the same show sans commercial and watch it at my leisure. But I have noticed that the one thing I am missing out on is what new music videos are out and from who, also what new shows but there are always more shows than I can watch. But back to my point, this one tune I had heard, but not seen the video for it. I am now glad that I have, in fact this is sitting somewhere very personal for me. It is Sarah McLachlan's new video for World on Fire.

The link goes straight to the video and I think it is great, and not in the gushing, childish sense, I mean that in the "Of outstanding significance or importance: a great work of art. " sense. Briana found this online and I don't know where but if anyone put her onto it I must give you my utmost thanks.

I had realized that inflation had become insane in North America, but this really brought it home. I am feeling like I am back in the late eighties early nineties when everyone was pointing out how bad things were elsewhere and I ignored it because I was just getting bye with my friends and everything else, now I am thinking back going I didn't have much then, but now consumerism has gotten out of control and I am not far away from being its plaything. And this makes me want to rethink that. Hard, rethink that and rethink that and rethink it again, because ..... well maybe that should not be said here ......

Screw it, things are out of control here. I have been saying it for sometime and everyone just looks at me like I am out of my gourd. We are starving our own people, then raising out prices again to make back some of the money we are "losing" because people are not buying as much because they can not afford to. Everyone is scared of the homeless people and the people who are begging for change, so they move to the richer neighborhoods and such and the rich land owners and developers make a profit off of them and never put that money back, as they will penny pinch until they are super rich and by that point someone else has fallen by the way side, and is now begging for some kind of handout. Because in all honesty how many of us if we had the place to give a homeless person a job, or even suggest them for a job, would? But this is the only way we can help ourselves, by making sure they get the basics that they need. I am not talking about junkies, they need to get their lives together, I have some knowledge of this, but I am talking about the rest who need someone to just make them feel loved and not alone. These are things that I think about a lot. I have to go to bed now but I will get back this to very soon.

Ok, I need people to come out to movies with me

There are just far to many movies that I want to see in the near future, and I know that some or all of you are going to have complaints about some or all of them. I am just hoping that some of you will want to come out to some fairly different choices. For example:

I ♥ Huckabees
Enduring Love
Team America: World Police
The World According to Bush (I know Paul has already posted about this one But I am aswell)
Kinsey (this looks neat to me, Christian also wants to see it anyone else?)
Shaun Of The Dead (which I have been told I have to see)
Finding Neverland

Let me know here or at or call me if you know it or someone who does.

Friday, September 24, 2004

So odd changes on the horizon

Ok, so here are some of the odd things that are changing in my future. The most important at the moment is that I will probably be moving with a friend of my friend Doug. I had not expected to go for a roommate but we are both in a position (her roommate decided to get sketchy on her and bail at the last moment on their new place) so we may be moving into this place around main and broadway that she found which is supposed to be huge, but the landlords are not returning her phone calls now that her roommate told them that he would like the damage deposit back. The other option is that we might ask my landlords if we can stay on here if they have not found someone else yet (which Briana and I are pretty sure they haven't, they don't appear to have shown it to anyone yet). The staying on here would be for a little while I hope. Not too long, I don't think I would like to stay here for more than a couple of months, but we will see what happens when I call them.

Wet Spots Saturday 5pm

I do believe that I will be going to the Wet Spots on Saturday at 5 pm (be done by 7) at the Water Front Theatre on Granville Island. Cover is $12 and it should be a good time. You are all invited. I know some can not make it, I am sorry but I have not been able to get any responses except from Graeme, so I have made an executive decision. Saturday at 5pm it will be. See you there.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Just realised I should say a few words on Firefly

After making my previous statement about Gilmore Girls and an impending movie I thought it would be good to mention Firefly the TV opera and soon to be a major motion picture.

This is by far the best science fiction show I remember having seen. I add that last bit because I have been known to forget a thing or two (sometimes even three). This show has subtle dialogue, divergent cultures based on those of today, and social mores based on the reality of the human ego. It is not clean, it is not big budget, it is not bullet time. It is dirty and cheap, it is imaginative and visceral, it is flexible and realistic. It is a series that is now going to be a movie. They have finished filming and are now editing with the option for two more movies (thank you Briana for your research), and we hope returning to the air if well received. I strongly suggest watching the DVD version of the show if you can it actually has different cuts (the original directors version) of the episodes than was originally aired, there are not many changes, only four but they do change the entire feel of the show. Also you will be able to see it in the order intended with the unaired episodes snuggled in their rightful places. If you have any difficulty understand the dirty and low tech aspects of some planets, just remember Star Trek is a universe that can't happen the way described (not saying that aspects can not come about, just that even in the future frontier worlds won't come with their own cleaning rays), and that greed and economic realities (or excuses) will influence how well people will live. It comes to theatre April 22, 2005 and I will be in line to see it, hope to see you there.

Music is good

I love listening to tunes that are just melody or true song with something to say. I have a thing against tunes with no meat in their lyrics or in languages that I can not understand (although I have no problem with anime music??) they just don't work for me. That's one of the problems I have with Nina's 99 luft balloons, I prefer the English because I find the lyrics so personal to her, her fears and hopes and although it is good in German I find that most people don't know the meaning of the song.

Just some things that I have been thinking about for a long time. Lyrics and script matter to me. It is going to sound odd to some but Gilmore Girls rocks, just great script writing, just going through their lives with no greater purpose than living, much like the rest of us.

It is really a good life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wet Spots held over a pick of the fringe

Hey, I am probably going to the Wet Spots sometime this week. Either:

Thu Sep 23 9:30 pm
Fri Sep 24 10:45 pm
Sat Sep 25 5:00 pm

I personally am leaning either to the thursday show or the Saturday show. If anyone is interested in going let me know. Btw if you don't know them then check out they are pretty damn funny. And somewhat dead on when you think about it.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Damn fine day

It is a damn beautiful day, and I have not written for awhile, but it is a damn beautiful day. So I will have to go out in it and talk about other things soon, cause I just can not get mysefl to focus on anything other than the sun.

Love ya'all

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I don't know why but ever since I saw the teaser for this movie I have been interested in seeing it. The new trailer makes me even more interested .

I like stuff about challenging peoples perspective, call it a hobby.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The "e"lectronic "rantz" that emanc"ipate" me


You could say this therapy, you could say this is a forum for the things that need to be said, you could say that I'm jumping on the band wagon. I would probably say all of these things, but I have been considering starting Erantzipation for months now and it seems the time is now. Anyways, we shall see how this turns out.

Love you all, hope you enjoy.