Sunday, November 21, 2004

The goodness of sleep and Ghost in the Shell 2

I haven't been sleeping too much for the last while, I have just had too much to do so after a small debacle which I will get into in a minute I decided to take a nap yesterday. It was the most glorious nap of my entire existence (I love being dramatic, have you noticed?) I slept so soundly for about two hours that everything went away, no awareness of Jon playing FIFA, the cars were gone no one outside, nothing. It was great, according to Jon as long as I was sleeping on my back I snored but when I rolled over on my side I did not, and I still do not feel any embarrassment because I got extra sleep! I needed that, and I think I will be taking more of it soon, as I just got up for work and I feel like I could use more, so I will arrange to take a nap later and catch up more.

Now on too the travesty that not sleeping enough brought into my life. I went to see Ghost in the Shell 2 ( , links still not working???) yesterday and my god, from the fifth second I knew that this movie had had even more love poured into to than the first. The only problem is that I have been periodically nodding off due to sleep deprivation, and this caused me to miss a few minutes of the movie and be inattentive at moments when I really should have been watching, and unable to read or focus on some of the subtitles. Which is a true travesty, like I said, because this is a work of art. It is beautiful, the CGI work is photo realistic and impressive to me as I have some knowledge of how much work it must have taken (I found out later that it took four years to complete the movie) and the classical animation is very well drawn, my only complaint is that the lighting does not match the CGI 3D work very well. Otherwise, WOW, and the detail that was included, the little touches to make it feel even more real; litter, dust, stains, graffiti, and just general detritus that you would see in everyday, that is so hard to replicate in an animated work. The story was good and possibly better than the first one (although it did echo the first one) but I found the point of view to be so pragmatic and visual that I forgave the little things.

I strongly suggest seeing this movie in the next six days as it will no longer be in theatre after that, this is the Granville 7 theatre's schedule, Ghost in the Shell 2 is only playing matinees at the moment and will no longer be playing after Thursday. So see it while you can on the big screen because the grandeur of this movie will be lost on the small screen. I wish I wasn't working for the next six days or I would see it again and catch it all. Don't be a me, see the movie in it's entirety and feel superior to me.

LOL. Have a good day, and think about what I said, you may regret missing this.


At November 22, 2004 at 11:50 PM, Blogger Chuckles said...

Thanks lady, that helps I will turn off the blocker when I got to do links.


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