Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Personality tests

Briana posted about this which she found via Chandrasutra.

Now I usually don't do these, only when friends suggest them, but secretly I love doing them. I love to know whether or not they got anything right or if the shysters, and secretly I want to be understood, just like eveyone else. So I took the test and ended up with two versions like everyone else, and it said the second would be more accurate, but I don't know about you guys but I found that the first one seemed to represent more where I am now and the second more where I was 4 months ago. Now it could be because so much of my life is in a state of flux right now, or it could be because I had just finished emailing a friend of mine about where I wanted to go with my life, and then the test asked me to think of anything else and I cannot remember what I thought of but it was something from the past so maybe that is why it ended up the way it did. But here it is with the section that I consider to be my past first and the future second.

Your Situation

Imaginative and sensitive, you seek an outlet for these qualities, especially in the company of someone equally sensitive. Interest and enthusiasm are readily aroused by the unusual or the adventurous.
This has always been true of my life.

Your Stresses

You have lost the resilience and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties. You feel overtaxed and getting nowhere, but continue to stand your ground and still you pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity. This subjects you to intolerable pressure from which you want to escape, but you cannot bring yourself to make the necessary decision. As a result you remain firmly involved in the problem and can neither view it objectively nor get rid of it. You cannot leave it alone and you feel you will only be at peace when you have reached your objective.
This is/was very true about my life, I am not sure if it can still be said, but then again there is always some nugget of truth in a statement like this.

Your Desires

You strive for a life rich in activity and experience, and for a close bond, offering sexual and emotional fulfillment. You pursue your objectives with intensity and do not allow yourself to be deflected from your purpose.
Yeah this is pretty much bang on.

Your Problems

The fear that you may be prevented form achieving the things you want leads you to play with an urgent and hectic intensity.
Once again pretty much on.

Part two:

Your Situation

The existing situation contains critical or dangerous elements for which it is imperative some solution be found. This may lead to sudden, even reckless decisions. You are self-willed and reject advice from others.
I would have to say this is my situation now, I have a lot of things to work out and I am trying not to jump to too many hasty decisions so gotta give them A for this one.

Your Stresses

The existing situation is disagreeable. You have an unsatisfied need to ally yourself with others whose standards are as high as your own, and to stand out from the rank and file. Your control of your sensual instincts restricts your ability to give yourself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and allow yourself to merge with another. This disturbs you, as such instincts are regarded as weakness to be overcome: you feel that only by continued self-restraint can you hope to maintain your attitude of individual superiority. You want to be loved or admired for yourself alone; you need attention, recognition and the esteem of others.
Not sure about this part, it is partly right but partly wrong, all depending on how you look at it.

Your Desires

You seek affectionate satisfying and harmonious relationships. You desire an intimate union in which there is love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust.
Once again they got it right.

Your Problems

You want to be valued and respected, and you seek this from a close and peaceful association of mutual esteem.

So try it if you like, and some definitely won't but I enjoyed this.


At October 20, 2004 at 8:53 PM, Blogger christian said...

did I do it wrong? my test 1 and test 2 came up with identical results.

offer me the same bloody colours, and of course my preferences won't change in thirty seconds.

seems fairly accurate, in a vague, internet-testy sort of way.

At October 21, 2004 at 1:21 PM, Blogger Chuckles said...

I closed my eyes turned my head away and thought about something else and when I re-opened my eyes the colours looked different to me and I picked the first colours that looked good to me.

At October 21, 2004 at 5:38 PM, Blogger natolkow said...

Yeah, same colors, same answers.... Vaguely accurate, but nothing to change my life over...


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