Friday, October 22, 2004

Sexy Laundry

I went to see this play on Wednesday, Sexy Laundry, courtesy of Jason. Thank you, btw. It was pretty decent, the premise is the age old problem of lust dying off on one side or another of a long term (25 years in this case) relationship. The fire had gone out of their relationship, one side recognized this and wanted to change it and the other was pretty much happy with the status quo. The story ensue from there.

I would have to say that it got 3.5 - 4 stars out of five, my only issue with it was that the dialogue and apparent thought patterns seemed ten years out of date, as in I would have expected those kinds of thoughts in an older couple ten years ago but now I would have expected a different more flexible way of looking at it. But the dialogue at points was very tight and the situations were amusing and the audience really enjoyed it (I am by nature very critical of play and movies, although I do love my sappy love stories). I would recommend it, with the caveat that if you have a very open and relaxed life style then you won't get much out of it, unless you are thinking of your parents.


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