Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ok, so I have little time right now ...

I have been so busy right now that I have not really been blogging too much. I will make the time I swear.

I would like to say that the job is going well and I must thank Natasha (linking is not working right now so here is her blog who was my good luck charm. That interview went so damn well, and now so is the training period, everyone seems to like me; even the people who I thought were not totally on my side. It helps when you smile, but then again that is my theory on everything in life. I don't know what to say, I am jumping to far ahead and the everyone even the managers who are so far up the company that they should not know how you are doing are like "you have no worries, we already know you are going to make it and we won't start judging you until the five month mark". Now I have to say that is the coolest, the guy who was my "buddy" today was like you have got it all down let's move on to this stuff that you'll be dealing with next week. I am gung-ho in other words. Totally psyched and having a blast, I seem to be having lots of energy these days so forgive the boisterousness of this post.

Besides these things, everything else is going well, as always I don't think I am doing much until I realise that I have not had anytime to even email or do simple posts. What can I say life rocks, it is hard but so long as you do not give up and just keep working at it'll take you places that are truly beautiful.

Still full of love for everyone, hopefully I will see you all soon.


At November 20, 2004 at 1:23 AM, Blogger Chuckles said...

Thanks! Havena had anytime lately, but it is still very good.


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